PortOne Analytics

Comprehensive Payment Data Analysis and Real-Time Monitoring

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Empower Decisions with Data-Driven Analytics

  • Promotional result analysis

    We've noticed a significant increase in ABC credit card usage. Should we run a card promotion campaign?

  • Payment trend overview

    Considering a significant spike in payments at 10:30 pm on Friday, should we run a limited-time promotion?

  • Understanding failed payment reasons

    Our payment shows lower conversion rate compared to other companies. What would be the reasons behind it?

  • Real-time issue monitoring

    We've encountered a webhook issue. Do we have any information on whether this is caused by our system?

  • Comprehensive dashboard

    Checking payment data every morning takes up a significant amount of time. Are there any more efficient ways we can explore?

Streamlined payment overview

Optimize your daily, monthly, quarterly payment settlements


Real-time monitoring system

Efficiently manage payment service outage with real-time reason diagnosis


Conversion rate diagnosis

Compare conversion rates and analyze payment failures to minimize transaction issues


Trends in Payment method and Payment gateway

Discover which payment methods and payment gateways are preferred by customers

Coming Soon

On our roadmap

  • Consumer data

  • Purchase data

  • Benchmark data

  • Monitoring alert system


Complimentary beta launch is exclusively available

to the first 200 limited merchants

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Mobile does not support Sign-in and Admin console.